Ingenious Solutions

for Everyday Business




Precision-tuned business mechanics

Welcome to the realm of the operator, your business's Swiss army knife, equipped for every challenge. From strategy playbooks to organizational restructuring, and CRM to customer experience mapping, we dive deep. But it's not just about the depth; it's about the precision. Financial projections, market research, HR systems, business audits – we handle it all with a finesse that turns complexity into simplicity. Our operator service is more than a consultancy; it's a partnership in redefining your business's tomorrow.

Your business swiss army knife


Unload your business problems

Step into your strategic sanctuary with the Counsellor service, where we transform business burdens into breezes. In our 60-minute phone call, we're not just a sounding board, we're your business buddy—here to help you unpack decisions, check your logic, and relieve the stress you'd rather not bring home. Think of us as the confidant for your entrepreneurial conscience, where the only agenda is your peace of mind

Your business confidant


Test and fortify your ideas

Jouster is not for the faint-hearted. Think of it as the arena where your ideas battle it out, emerging stronger, sharper, and more resilient. In this 3-hour session, we dissect your business idea, examining each activity, process, and technical specification. We probe the legal structure, scrutinize the financials, and leave no stone unturned—from your tech stack to customer service approach and branding. We assess team expertise, budget constraints, fundraising strategies, and software compatibility, ensuring every facet meets the rigor of market demands. It's a comprehensive crucible for your concept, ensuring your are battle-ready for the real world.

Your business confidant